I am based in Calgary, Canada, but I love visiting places both near and far. I love talking to groups of all ages. Below is a general overview of my current visits and talks.
School visits
In Person Visits:
I love getting into the classroom with kids and talking about the books that I’ve both written and/or illustrated. In class presentations are usually 45 minutes in length for groups of 2-3 classes (usually around 60-90 students). A typical presentation for grades 1-3s include: reading the students a book or two, sharing little about how I create illustrations and how picture books are made, ending with some drawing and Q&A.
In class presentations can be tailored for your own school’s needs (age, grade, large or smaller group sizes, art workshops, relevant topics, etc…).
Virtual Visits:
Virtual visits allow me to visit with schools both far and wide! They typically run 45 with a Q&A session at the end of the visit. The topics usually center around my current books. My latest presentation is all about Boxitects! Together we’ll read through the book, then I’ll share a little about how I became an illustrator/author. Next, we take a peak behind the scenes at what goes into creating a picture book and at the end we’ll create some drawings together! I can also tailor virtual visits to topics/books your school is interested in (as long as the books are my own).
Illustrator Talks and Workshops
I love talking about my career as an artist and my experiences so far. I also love sharing my creative process behind my illustrations. Generally these talks are aimed at older audiences. In the past I’ve talked with high school/post-secondary students looking to start a career in illustration, or groups that are interested in my children’s book writing and illustration process. These visits can be tailored to what your group is interested in diving into.
In Person Events/Workshops (not including supply costs for workshops, or travel fees):
$500 – for a single, 1 hour presentation.
$750 – for two, 1 hour presentations.
$1500 – for a full day visit (this is the minimum rate charged for all speaking events/school visits exceeding 150km of travel).
Virtual Visits:
$350 – for a 30 minute Q&A session without the presentation.
$500 – for a 45 minute presentation + Q&A
If you are looking for more information or interested in scheduling a visit, please contact me at visits@kimillustration.com .
Notable Past Speaking Events
2019 – Camp Fest – Campfire Talk
2019 – St. Albert Public Library – Children’s Book Illustration Workshop
2019 – St. Albert Public Library – Maker Space Workshop
2016 – Adobe Creative Jam